Mobile comedy from the streets, for the streets - D.J. Minicab
Edinburgh 2005 programme
DJ Minicab & Friends, appearing...everywhere
DJ Minicab comes to Edinburgh Fringe 2005.

Meet at Sweet Ego, 14 Picardy Place Edinburgh EH1. (tel 0870 241 0136)

Experience the glittering DiscoCars eight-seater people carrier. Every show is a theatrical happening and YOU are involved. More costumes than a circus, more gadgets than 007 and (subject to traffic police) freedom to roam. Enjoy Edinburgh as never before and possibly never again.

A mini-cabber to his bones, DJ hails innocent pedestrians at every opportunity - and draws them into the drama. You never know who you will meet...

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All this started a few years ago on a Christmas night in 2001 in a minicab, naturally. Driver Adrian Green found himself working harder to cheer up a sobbing passenger than to drive his vehicle - and DiscoCars was born. He isn't looking for prizes in Edinburgh but he really is still trying to win his passengers' hearts.

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