Mobile comedy from the streets, for the streets - D.J. Minicab
L et us know what you think of DiscoCars. Encouraging comments may well find immortality on this page, as may others if the boys at Disco like them anyway.
"Can you play football as well as you tell jokes?". Dj "You should see me play football!".
It’s not every day you get to drive around with over 40 million pounds of footballing talent. I give you the Chelsea team, great bunch of lads.

Sean Bean "Are we on TV? Because you should be".
Dj had the plearure of taking Sean Bean home and what a gentleman the former 006 was. Shaken and stirred but in a funny way.

Jude Law out one night Feb 06 with a large party of friends including a number of attractive ladies but NO nannies. Sadly DJ squeezed all others from the picture shown so that he alone would co-star. Says Law: "Very, very funny. You're wasted in this job. The rumours are true, you're crazy!" Jude Law.

Girls Aloud. Are you single?" - Girls Aloud, Oct 05. [So far as DJ can recall, so smitten was he at the time that he didn't realise who the girls were till they stepped out the back of his car into a blaze of photo-flash light.]

Thank you for taking our friends around Edinburgh on that evening. You were fantastic and very funny. Hope to see you in London. Keep up the good work!" - Bo Selecta, Aug 05. Bo Selecta.

It may be a simple idea but you use it to great effect. Brilliant, bloody brilliant! - Chris Evans, Nov 04. Chris Evans and friends.

Really, really great mate! - Jason Flemyng, October 04.

From: "Olly Pollard"

Subject: Great ride on Saturday......
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 10:25:39 +0100

Adrian, Many thanks for a very amusing trip home on Saturday night mate. We all laughed an awful lot and it was great to get in not realising what it was you actually did. When you stopped the cab in clapham and challenged two passers by with a light sabre I think the girls in the back pissed themselves. Great fun and good luck should be on telly!

From: "Bergman, Annette"
CC: "xeniapoole"
Subject: Thanks
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 15:01:08 +0100

Hi Adrian,
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for an absolutely fab start to a great hen night. Everyone was blown away, I have truly NEVER laughed so much in my life, my ribs are still hurting!!!!!

Can one actually post a message on your website? [Sorry, not as yet - DJ.]

Thanks again, I will certainly recommend you!


From: Ramsay.Christine
Subject: Thank you
Date: Sun, 23 May 2004 14:03:08 +0100

Now that's what we call ending the night with style. It is 8 hours later and we are still giggling.

One day it would be great to see you on TV with your unsuspecting passengers. Fingers crossed!

Christine (drunk brunette) & Christina (drunker blonde)

From: "Andrew Mossop"
Subject: Thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou ;-)
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 04:01:16 +0000

Hey Adrian,
Thanks for the most memorable night out I've had in a long time, possibly ever. Ewan says you're a fucking cool bloke & he picked up a nice russian. (She's a bit different from the usual white Russian he picks up at Lowdown).

Can't wait till you're up in Edinburgh for the festival. We'll definitely be around for that. Any time you're back in Scotland give us a shout.

Don't stop partying,


From: Peter Reynolds
Subject: last night
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 12:54:56 +0000

We couldn't stop talking about it when we got home! Thanks for making our journey home so surprising and enjoyable. I will never forget your Rocky dance on the steps in Shoreditch... I'm sure we'll be booking you in the future!


From: "Ben Bliss"
Subject: Just wanted to say thank you!
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2004 10:30:33 +0000

Dear Mr DJ,
You dropped us off at Archway on Saturday night from outside the Trocadero centre. I just wanted to say thank you for the funniest experience I've ever had. All 10 of us in the taxi were in absolute hysterics from start to finish and have been telling everyone we meet about "the best taxi ride ever".

You really finished our night off on a real high and we all appreciated it hugely.

Thanks, Ben
Charlie Brooks
Charlie and friends on a big night out.
Entertainment and cabs don't normally go together but in this case... You are the Disco Daddy.

Eastender Janine (Charlie Brooks) Jan 04.

You've got more hair than me.
(Yow've gomorrair thamy.)

Cathy Burke, Dec 03.
Cathy Burke
Cathy and DJ.

From: Ryan.Slack
Subject: Dont wanna go home.
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 12:08:07 +0100

...if only everything in life was as sweet as discocars.
You are a legend in your own lifetime, the shock factor combined with the megaphone & even a moonlit dance by the are too smooth.

Good Luck & Thanks
Howard, Geoff, Emma & Boris.

Ryan Slack

This is the craziest minicab I've ever had. You are very very very crazy. There should be a public warning on the side of your car. We will definitely be seeing you again. How much are you charging???!!!!

Steve Jones, Nov 2003

Steve Jones
Steve Jones

Subject: excellent!
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 09:36h

hi thought id drop you an email to say thanks for the funniest journy home ive ever had! 7 of us had been to the ministry of sound in london when we got one of your cabs home, we were all unaware of what we were in for - we were sure there must have been a hidden camera or something in the cab! it wasnt until we were back in slough that the comedy driver told us what disco cabs were and gave us his card. brilliant idea, we all agreed it ended the night so well and was a journey we will never forget! thanks again to your driver! Philip

It made my night. This is really good. Annie Nightingale, Radio One

This has to be one of the craziest rides my friends and I have ever been on. How you managed to combine driving and entertaining I have no idea. It is quite an art! You have a gift for making people laugh. Thank you - Jane Kelly, Daily Mail

Mr Disco you rock - thank you for the best journey. All the best, Clodagh x

Dear adrian, Thankyou so much for the best taxi ride home. We are currently having a fry up to sort out the hangovers and chuckling about last night! Sarah XX

Subject: THANK YOU
Attachments: <Body in HTML>

Dear Adrian
A bit belated but still massive THANK YOU for a great time last month. My sister Belinda really enjoyed herself and all the hens are still talking to this day about your particular addition to the evening! You were better than I could ever have imagined! Thanks and I'll definitely be in touch again.... Any excuse to have another DiscoCar experience!!

Massive thank yous again,

Adrian mate, you have made my night, week, month, year, life. Your a star mate. You will be hearing from me.

Hello Adrian. This is Michelle P. How are your DiscoCars? Are you still crazy?

Adrian - many thanks for entertaining drive from Barnes to Leicester Square, everyone enjoyed it. Did you happen to come across a wine cooler? Robert.

"Hilarious Stage on Wheels" Dan Crawford, Kings Head theatre pub, Islington

"Best taxi in town" Keith Allen

"Good Luck" Paul

"Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much for the cab ride you gave to my friends and I last night, I have NEVER experienced anything like it before in my life!!!!" Samantha

"The best evening out I've had for a very long time! We realised very soon that we should have stayed with Adrian as the rest of the hen night couldn't match up! fantastic!!" Sam

"Thank you for the fantastic ride into town for the hen night on Saturday. It was just great and really kicked the evening off. Everyone thought it was just hilarious." Carlin

"Just to say thank you for a fabulous journey on Saturday. It was brilliant."

"You made our night - our year in fact - thank you. You were fantastic!"

Thanx for sat made our nite. Owe u many drinks + a full fare or 2! Phil.

Hi Adrian It was a pleasure to meet you. You are without doubt the craziest taxi driver I have ever met. Will be in touch, Karl.

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